The digital liquid flow meter accurately & reliably determines liquid flow. It is designed primarily as a flow meter for HPLC systems. Our liquid
flow meter has the following features:
HPLC Liquid Flow Meter ( Model LFM-11 )
Range: 0.1 to 15ml/min calibrated 0.50, 1.0, 2.0 ml/min, (THREE POINT CALIBRATION) Supplied with Factory calibrated for H2O by
gravimetric method using NABL certified Analytical Balance
Sensor calibrated for H2O and IPA
CMOS chip technology sensor
Real time Flow reading
Reading up to 3 place of decimal; 1.000ml/min
Backlit LCD Display
12V DC operation
Flexible to operate
Single button operation
Serial Printer Interface with report printout including date time stamp in the report